Upcoming Events

OAPFF Communications Class

OAPFF Communications Training Class September 25, 2018 Columbus Fire Fighters Union 379 W Broad St, Columbus 10am - 4pm   As part of our mission to assist you as a local leader and provide the tools you need to better serve your members, the OAPFF is conducting a Communications Training Class. This class will be held […]


OAPFF Communications Class

OAPFF Communications Training Class September 25, 2018 Columbus Fire Fighters Union 379 W Broad St, Columbus 10am - 4pm   As part of our mission to assist you as a local leader and provide the tools you need to better serve your members, the OAPFF is conducting a Communications Training Class. This class will be held […]


Peer Support Training Session

  REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE REGISTERED On November 2nd at the Sheraton Columbus Capital Square, 75 E. State St. Columbus, 43215  Columbus Fire Fighters Local 67's Hall  from 10 am - 3pm, the OAPFF is hosting a Peer Support Training Session. This class is open for all OAPFF […]
