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Secretary Treasurer
Rich Goforth
IAFF 8TH District President
Mark Sanders
Jon Harvey

Jon Harvey was elected as president of the Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters at the OAPFF 53rd Convention in May 2022.
Jon joined the Middletown Fire Department (MFD) as a Fire Fighter / Paramedic in 1995. He currently serves as MFD Captain at Station 81, where he heads the city’s Hazardous Materials Response team and is the co-chair of the Butler Co. Reginal Haz Mat team.
Harvey got involved with union service early in his career. First serving as trustee, then vice president, and eventually being elected as President of IAFF Local Union 336 (the birthplace of the OAPFF). Because of the hard work he put in with his local union he was appointed to the OAPFF Legislative Committee where he served until being elected by his peers as the OAPFF’s 4th District Vice President for 12 years.
Harvey has an impressive fire fighter and union resume’ including an associate degree in Fire Science as well as being certified with the state of Ohio as a Fire Safety Inspector, Fire Instructor, Rescue Technician (water, ice, trench, and confined space) and Fire Officer I, II and III.
At a national union level, he has proudly attended the IAFF Political Training Academy, Redmond Health and Safety Symposium/Barbera EMS Conference, Alfred K. Whitehead Legislative Conference, IAFF PEP Program and IAFF Field Service Representative Training (which he used to organize 17 locals into the IAFF and OAPFF).
On the state union level Jon has been a featured speaker at multiple OAPFF seminars including the OAPFF Winter Educational Seminar, OAPFF Health and Safety Seminar and OAPFF Fire Ops 101.
In his role as OAPFF 4th District Vice President, Harvey was proud to be a member of the leadership teams that saw the successful repeal of Senate Bill 5 and the passage of SB 27, the “Michael Louis Palumbo, Jr.” Act (presumptive cancer legislation) in Ohio.
Jon was born and raised in Germantown, Ohio where he still lives with his wife Tina and two children Claire and Owen.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 614-488-9920
Rich Goforth
Secretary Treasurer

Rich was hired by the City of Springfield Fire-Rescue Division in 2008 and
immediately became a proud member of Springfield Professional Fire
Fighters Local 333. He participated in various committees within the local, served as local Secretary, and President of the union hall. In his 8 years as
Secretary, he worked to modernize the overall organization and improve
communications within Local 333. Rich currently holds the rank of
Lieutenant within the Fire-Rescue Division.
His involvement with the OAPFF began shortly after becoming a member
of Local 333. Since then, he has served on various state committees, and
was a charter member of the OAPFF Peer Support team. In 2018, Rich
was elected to the position of OAPFF Trustee. While serving 3 terms as
Trustee, he provided fiscal oversight of the organization’s entire finances,
improved the organization’s banking operations, and streamlined the audit
process. In 2024 Rich was elected to the position of OAPFF Secretary-Treasurer by
members from all over Ohio at the 54 th Biennial Conference in Hamilton,
Email: [email protected]
George Davis
1st District Vice-President (Northwest OH)

George, a graduate of Bowling Green State University (Fire Administration), began his career as a Firefighter/Paramedic with the Lima Fire Department in 1993 after serving in the United States Marine Corps. He quickly became involved with Local 334, serving on various committees, and steadily progressed through the ranks, starting as a Union Steward, then a trustee, culminating in his election as Union President in 2016. George has also been assigned to numerous committees with the OAPFF and the IAFF and has held the position of Ohio AFL-CIO Vice President since 2018. In addition to his union leadership, George serves the Lima community as a Battalion Chief on B-Shift. His commitment to his community extends to his role on the Board of Directors for the United Way of Greater Lima, and most importantly, to his family as a dedicated husband to his wife Shelley and a loving father to his children.
Email: [email protected]
Dean Marks
2nd District Vice-President (North Eastern OH)

Prior to being hired by the City of Elyria Fire Department, Dean served in United States Army Reserves from 1993-2001 as a Combat Medic before being honorably discharged. He was hired in the City of Elyria Fire Department in 1995 and became a member of IAFF Local 474. Dean joined the Water Rescue Team where he was certified as an Emergency Response Diver, Ice Rescue Diver, and Swift Water Technician. He also was a member of the Lorain County Tech Rescue Team, becoming certified in Structural Collapse, Trench Rescue, Rope Rescue, Confined Space and Hazmat Technician. He also holds certifications as a Fire Instructor, CPR Instructor, Fire Inspector and Fire Officer I, II, III, IV. He currently holds the rank of Assistant Chief. Dean did not wait long to become involved in the Union serving as a Shift Steward, Vice-President, and President, a position he has held since 2008. In 2020 Dean was honored when he received the IAFF Leadership award representing the 8th District. He has served on multiple OAPFF committees and currently is a member of the OAPFF Legislative Committee. He is proud that he has a Brother and two Sons that are on the job and members of the OAPFF. He is married to his wife Cindy and has three sons, Matt, James and Nate.
Email: [email protected]
Cory Wilson
3rd District Vice-President

Cory began his proud firefighting career with the Air Force while being stationed in Charleston S.C. After he was done serving with the military, Cory returned home to follow in his father’s footsteps by becoming a professional fire fighter with Coshocton Fire in 2004. Cory worked his way up to the rank of captain in 2011.
Cory was elected Coshocton Local 216 Secretary Treasurer in 2005 and then later became union president in 2014. In 2016 at a special meeting he was elected to the 3rd District Vice President.
Cory has two children, Caden and Cammy.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 740-502-9240
Jeff Moore
4th District Vice-President (Southwest OH)

After setting aside his engineering degree in 2000, Jeff Moore changed careers
and started with the West Chester Fire Department, becoming a member of IAFF
Local 3518.
He did not wait long to get involved. Jeff was elected to serve on the Executive
Board of IAFF Local 3518 as Secretary-Treasurer in 2002 and then President in
2004, a position he has held for 18 years.
Jeff has a long history of advocating for health and safety initiatives, benefits and the rights of firefighters while being protective of collective bargaining and
He has served the OAPFF on various committees, including Legislative,
Secondary Employment, and the Constitution and ByLaws. He is also a former
trustee of the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund.
Jeff has attended numerous IAFF, OAPFF, and Ohio Ethics Commission trainings. He has also studied at the IAFC / IAFF Labor Management Alliance,
the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, and the National
Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems.
Jeff is a third-generation firefighter, with brothers serving as police officers. He
resides in Fairfield, OH with his wife and have two children.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 513-276-1520
Brian Gatley
5th District Vice President (Central and Southern OH)

Brian Gatley started his career at Jerome Township in 1999. From there he moved to Prairie Township before starting at Norwich Township in 2003. Brian was elected as president of Local 1723 in 2008. He has negotiated several collective bargaining agreements. He has attended numerous IAFF and OAPFF conferences and training sessions.
Gatley spent 11 years as a member of the OAPFF Legislative Committee prior to being elected to the position of DVP. He has been a strong advocate for PEER support, cancer presumption, PTSD coverage and collective bargaining rights.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 614-374-2189
Mark Sanders
IAFF 8th District Vice President

Mark Sanders is the IAFF 8th District Vice President which includes Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan. Mark is the former OAPFF President serving from 2004-2016. He is also past Legislative Director of the OAPFF. Mark sits on the Technical Committee for NFPA 1710, which has set industry standards for career fire department staffing and deployment. Sanders began his career as a professional fire fighter in Marion in 1981. Tough times in Marion forced the city to lay off many fire fighters in 1983 including Mark. Looking to further his career as a professional fire fighter, Sanders became a member of the Cincinnati Fire Department in 1984. Mark comes from a long line of strong union advocates. His mother was local Secretary/Treasurer of her letter carriers union for 32 years and his father, Lefty, is a past OAPFF President. So it is no surprise that with the Cincinnati Fire Department Mark began his ascent to local leadership. From Trustee to Recording Secretary and VP, Sanders was elected Local 48 President in 1994.
Family, as well as union activism, is important to Mark. He spends much of his free time with his wife, Diane, two adult children and three grandchildren . Sanders is also the driver of a Father-Son NHRA drag racing team.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 513-260-2381
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Updates and InformationABOUT OAPFF
Since 1918, members of the Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters have been on the frontlines protecting lives and property of citizens across the Buckeye State – just as the OAPFF has been there to protect the interests and health and safety of those first responders. Over the years, the profession of fire fighting has expanded to include EMS and rapid response to virtually every emergency, natural and man made. Accordingly, the OAPFF has increased its services to meet the growing needs of our members.